Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5: Aidan's Glasses

So, picking out Aidan's glasses was a very rewarding experience as a parent.  I know that my kids all have unique, sometimes obscure tastes and I value that and want to support it, but I also don't want them going out in the world looking like dorks.  With this in mind, we began the selection of the GLASSES.  I tried not to influence Aidan and also let the technician make suggestions.  The first pair he tried on is the pair we went with - with about 20 other pairs tried on in the process.  I am thrilled with is choice and think that it is unique, handsome and expressive of who he is as a person.  He wears them mostly for distance and at school, but he has been wearing them at home when he plays Xbox.  

Of course, Griff had to try them on...  Maybe he will be able to go 7 years before he needs specs.

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