Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27: Homework After Dinner

A fairly typical night at our house - sitting at the table after dinner and doing homework.  In an effort to help Griffin learn to recognize his numbers I decided to bribe him with peanubutter M&Ms.  He has a hard time remembering the visuals,  it seems.  We go over letters and numbers again and again and he forgets them a minute later.  Maybe I have forgotten how much effort goes in to learning the basics, or maybe he just learns at a different rate than Zoey and Aidan did.

Aidan likes to leave his homework until the last minute and usually does it in front of the television.  Not optimal, but that's how I did it and I came out ok, right??? Zoey is clearly worn out by AP music theory, or is it AP Calc?

 Is the face for homework or being photographed?  Either way, she nailed it!

See, Zoey watches TV (on her computer) when she does homework also!  Unfortunately, she is not as good at getting it done in a timely fashion as Aidan is.  She's a bit of a procrastinator.

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