Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31: Halloween!

Ok, so Halloween was a bit anticlimactic.  I really do feel sorry for Griffin - all these things that are new and exciting to him are old hat for the rest of us.  I was exhausted from work, blog and life.  Bill was wiped out from filling the turtle pen with enough dirt so they can burrow and maybe even hibernate.  He and Griff took their shirts off for the job, it was pretty cute.  Then, of course, the hose was turned on and Griff was a walking mud puddle.  Then, while I did my weekly grocery shopping Bill took the boys to Daly Ranch for a bike ride.  Zoey had homecoming last night and work today, so she was wiped out too.    We managed to get Griff in his costume and Aidan donned his but refused to go trick-or-treating.  He and Liane sat in front of the house (to keep the dogs from going berserk every time the doorbell rang) at dusk and watched Nightmare Before Christmas on her computer and handed out candy.  Bill and I took Griff trick-or-treating then we came home and watched the Halloween episode of The Office and ate pizza.  After Griff went to bed Bill, Aidan and I watched Shaun of the Dead.  Soooo funny.  And gross.

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