Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18 and 19: Midnight Showing of Harry Potter VII, Part 1

I had been dreading this night all week. I was the only one who DIDN'T want to give up sleep to see the movie.  Even Aidan, who hasn't read the books and has only a passing interest in the movies, wanted to go.  It is an event, true.  I tried to go to be as early as possible all week but wasn't able to get in a nap on the big day.  After work, I picked Griffin up from school and took him to Nonnie's, then it was time to go down to school to see Zoey and the Madrigals perform the Winter Concert.  Liane accompanied me while Bill and Aidan hung out at home, napped and then went to the theater at about 7:00 pm.  

Our friends the Bates, mom Kim, Shealiegh, Nathan and Aislinn, snagged a place in line at 5:00 and we got great seats as a result.  But, we had to spend a few hours (or more) outside.  

 Games were played.

When Zoey, Liane and I arrived at 9:00 pm, I took orders and went out for donuts (Peterson's) and coffee (Barnes & Noble Cafe.)

 Blankets were worn.

At one point the sprinklers went off.  We were on the grass but hopped off in time.  There was a woman sleeping next to us and she got a bit wet...

At about 11:00 the let us into the theater.  We had tickets to the IMAX show and it was worth every penny!  Because Harry, Hermione and Ron were camping all over England for so much of of the movie, there was some incredible scenery to be had.  

Waiting for the movie to start....

 Nate, Aidan and Zoey sat in the row behind the rest of us.

We got out of the theater at 2:30 am and stumbled home.  Asleep (mostly) by 3:00 am, we were all up by 6:30 am and getting ready for our days at school and work.  Aidan took a shower and said he felt sick, so he stayed home from school and caught up on sleep. I worked from 8:30 to 5:00 and was dragging myself around Friday and Saturday.  Bill and Zoey seem to be caught up by now.  HPVII Part 2, July 2011! 

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