Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12 and 13: Once Upon a Mattress Performance

A very edited version of Once Upon a Mattress was performed on Friday and Saturday nights by the 7th and 8th graders who took theater and theater tech as a class this trimester.  Aidan had the part of Prince Harry, beau to Lady Larkin.  He was one of two boys in the play, the other, and eighth grader, had the lead role of Prince Dauntless.  He was great.  He got to be a bit of a ham and spout Latin, which he did with great verve and élan.  Even Griffin, who had been home sick most of the week with walking pneumonia, got a kick out of the play and laugh out loud more than once.  Mr Murphy, the dean of the middle school, was the silent king, and brought great presence and humor to the roll.  

Aidan's desire to put himself out on the stage has been a bit of a surprise to since he seems so shy and retiring most of the time.  But, he has a sharp sense of humor and a love of opera and classical music (he just had me purchase Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche and Faust:  Part One by Goethe because he had heard the music that was inspired by these writings and wanted to read the books. I wonder if he will really read them...) and and has watched much Monty Python in his short life and why wouldn't that all add up to a desire to perform?  I hope he keeps it up!  It seemed like such an obvious and natural thing for Zoey when she first pursued it in 7th grade (Singing in the Rain was her first production in middle school) and it's a surprise and delight to see Aidan give it a go!  Once last performance for the Lower School on Monday morning then it is on to his next elective, ART!  Can't wait to see what he creates in that class.  Such a renaissance guy.

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