Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6: Labor Day/Low Grade Chaos

This is the calendar that I make and maintain.  We inherited these giant sheets of paper - 23 X 35 inches, and, a few years back I realized that a regular old mont-per-page wall calendar wasn't doing it for us.  It seemed like stuff crept up on us and threw us into a tailspin even when we had learned of it months ago. This is a marginal improvement - we still get thrown into tailspins on a fairly regular basis.  We till double book stuff and have to make a lot of changes.  Now, with Aidan getting braces, we have to factor those appointments into the equation and he will have to miss some school.  Zoey's work schedule.  My work schedule.  Bill's stuff - Camper Van Beethoven Camp Out, Mountain Bike Club, SDBC.  Dances, rehearsals, games, practices.

Low Grade Chaos.  That is the state we are always in.  I often wake up with a numbing sense of dread that there is something looming in my near future that I have forgotten to attend to, address, schedule for, and we will have to scramble to find cars, drivers, and child care for Griffin.  It all works out in the end, I miss seeing a lot of what Z & A do because I end up with Griffin, but, that's how it is.

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