Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 15: BIRTHDAYS and BRACES!

Aidan missed school on Wednesday, September 15 to get his mouth filled with metal.  When I picked him up, two hours later, the nurse wanted to let me know that he was one of the best patients EVER!  I guess he just sat there and didn't react to anything - much like at home!

Sadly, we forgot to take the camera to the beach on Sunday, September  12 when we had Aidan's birthday party at South Cardiff State Beach for the 4th year in a row.  This year, we decided to have pizzas delivered, but the little pizza place we called was really behind so I drove over and picked them up. The boys all had a great time swimming, digging and checking out the creatures in the tide pools, as always.  This year, someone brought a football and they (almost) all started playing on the beach.  That was pretty cool.  Having known these boys for almost 5 years now, it is amazing to see them growing up  and looking more like teenagers and less like the little boys that they have been for so long.

We bought Aidan an XBox for his birthday and all his friends gave him gift cards to buy games and accessories with.  I have now been to GameStop more times in my life than I had planned on.  However, the kids are really enjoying it AND spending time playing together!  Still not sure how I really feel about it, though - not looking forward to setting limits...

Z & A playing FIFA Soccer!

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