Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 27: The End of the First Week!

The weather  was pretty warm this week and the homework light, so Aidan took the chance to keep up work on his mud  castle in the back yard.  Since Aidan was old enough to  make structures out of mud he has been tearing up the back yard. I used to have hydrangeas, fuschias and roses, among other plants, but now it is mostly overgrown grass interspersed with patches of   dirt and mud.  Last summer he wanted  to dig a trench from one side of the yard to the other.  Bill finally relented.  The little blue and grey bits are Aidan's collection of army guys - another relenting on our part - that we bought him for Solstice last year.

The army guys represent troops from WWI.  The blue guys are the French and there are also Germans and British mixed in.  Aidan had a rough week.  He lost his lunch box - his NEW lunch box!  It is a bone of contention for me as I feel like he loses his lunch box more often than the usual absentminded boy.  Well, he doesn't always lose it.  Sometimes when he leaves it on the bus the rats chew it to bits. Anyway, Aidan takes it really hard when I get upset with his or he feels like he has disappointed me, so this was a tough one for him.  The next day, he lost his agenda and new pencil

On Friday we let Zoey take the car to school.  There was a dance and a friend of hers was going to Coronado to watch her boyfriend play football and another group of  friends was going to the movies.  She opted for hanging out with Laura at her place then going out to dinner and the movie. On the way to school, Aidan called me to go over his after school plans.  Bill was going to ride his bike to the bookstore where I was working until 4pm, get the car, pick up Aidan and come back to B&N where Kim was bringing Griffin, who had spent the day before and after school at her house as part of our childcare swap.

I was playing the "how much worse could it get?" game with Aidan talking about how his rough week could get even more rough - you know, falling down the stairs at school, hitting his head on his locker, etc.  I don't think I really cheered him up, though.  Then, a few minutes later he remembered that he had homework in his backpack that he needed to finish so Zoey pulled over into a parking lot and he grabbed it out of the trunk. When she was backing up to leave a palm tree jumped behind her and, sadly, she hit it.  She claims that she hurt the tree more than the car and if that is true I am actually quite concerned for the tree.  The car has a 6 inch by 6 inch scrape/dent on the bumper that Bill is not too upset about, so I guess all is well.  Interestingly enough, all of my major car crashes, except one, have been while backing up....

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